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The Online Packet encourages fair housing practices from landlords and tenants on this site. The Online Packet acknowledges and are advocates of the Amended Fair Housing Act of 1988.

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James V McChesney JR

Looking for a 3 bedroom 1- 1/5 `Bth’s
house for rent in the Harker Heights Area. I am a Disabled Vet (Desert Storm. I am also a Single Parent. Everywhere, I have been looking PPL keep slamming the Door shut in My face.

Sharon Hunt

Looking for at least a 2-3 bedroom house in Salem Illinois. Max amount I can afford right now is $200.00

Wendy Gardner

I am looking for a home in Spokane WA for me and my 3 kids. Possibly for 500 a month. I can afford more once I find a job. I just need to get out of my sisters house and on my own.