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The Online Packet encourages fair housing practices from landlords and tenants on this site. The Online Packet acknowledges and are advocates of the Amended Fair Housing Act of 1988.

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William Babcock

I’m looking for a senior home at or near Portland, Oregon. I only live on Social Security. There are many affordable mobile home space rent and there are few mobile homes for sale at low cost but there is no help to purchase a mobile home. I’m on several waitlists and I heard about 90% of those on waitlist die before they have any chance. So I’m looking for anything that is affordable like senior housing which includes mobile home, tiny home or room sharing with a private bedroom. I don’t smoke so I prefer non-smokers or they smoke outside.… Read more »

Bart Peavy

looking for a 2 bed 2 bath house to rent to own $200-$400 a month location in Foley Alabama 36535 or surrounding areas.

Ana J Lopez

caretaker looking for some assistance in my current rent which will help relief some burden financially. 200-400 a month will help my current 1000 rent.